Live Life Now

Live Life Now, because later maybe too late

MetLife’s “Live Life Now” offers customizable term life insurance to protect your family’s financial future. Choose from a variety of coverage options and flexible terms to find the perfect plan for your needs.

Why MetLife Life Insurance?

Life insurance isn’t just a policy; it’s a promise to your loved ones. MetLife’s “Live Life Now” is more than just a term life insurance product; it’s a safety net woven with care and compassion. By protecting against lost future earnings, it ensures your family’s financial stability, so you can rest easy knowing they’re secure. Imagine your children’s dreams realized, your debts erased, and the burden of funeral expenses lifted.

Live Life Now Benefits


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Why Live Life Now?

How Does It Work?

Anyone between 21 and 60 years of age, and residing in UAE can apply.

You can choose to have your insurance any number of years between 5 and 30 years. Within this period you are expected to pay your premiums.

Your premiums depend on several factor, (1) the amount of money you would want to receive, i.e. the coverage amount, (2) the number of years you want to be covered, i.e. term years, (3) your age and health condition. Min premium for live life now to AED 734 per year and AED 61 per month.

Your coverage amount depends on two factors (1) the amount of your premiums, (2)the number of years that you paid your premiums. Coverage amount may range from AED 200 K to AED 1 M. Please contact us if you wish to have a coverage above AED 1 M.

What would you pay?

40 years old

Monthly premium

AED 73.00

Coverage amount

AED 300,000

Years of coverage

20 years

45 years old

Monthly premium

AED 108.00

Coverage amoun

AED 500,000

Years of coverage

10 years

35 years old

Monthly premium

AED 82.00

Coverage amount

AED 700,000

Years of coverage

20 years

Live Life Now, because later
maybe too late

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Optional Benefits

Accelerated Critical Illness

If you are diagnosed with a covered Critical Illness, we will pay coverage amount and reduce life coverage by similar amount.

Accidental Death Benefit

Should the policyholder pass away due to an accident, the beneficiary would receive up to AED 1m.

Since the life insurance benefit is more than AED 200,000., the plan will remain in force (excluding the paid out AED 200,000.) and the remainder will be paid in the case of loss of life5 critical illnesses covered:  Stroke, cancer, first heart attack, coronary artery by-pass surgery, brain tumour.

This benefit will be doubled in the case of accidental loss of life on a common carrier.

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