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Financial Wellness Blog

Assessing your financial situation and figuring out how to take control of your money may seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t need to be. At MetLife, we are here to support you and provide guidance every step of the way to help you navigate your financial decisions through our Financial Wellness Blog.

Latest in Family Planing

Create a Total Family Life Insurance Plan in 3 Steps
Create a Total Family Life Insurance Plan in 3 Steps
If you’ve reached that stage in life when you’re caring for both your children and your parents, you’re a member of what’s known as the “Sandwich Generation.” While this time can be full of joy and excitement as you watch your kids grow and see your parents settle into their roles as grandparents, it can also be challenging. Besides managing everyone’s care, you’re probably burdened with a lot of financial responsibilities.
3 steps to make financial wellness a reality
3 steps to make financial wellness a reality
About 40% of stress (in the Gulf) is caused by financial situations. This suggests many of us have trouble balancing unexpected expenses and planning for the future, two key elements of financial wellness.
5 Ways to Financially Prepare for Your First Child
5 Ways to Financially Prepare for Your First Child
From researching car seats and cribs to decorating a nursery, there's a lot to do when you're expecting a new baby. In addition to readying your physical house for your bundle of joy, you'll also want to be sure your financial house is in order.

Latest in Money

How to Teach Your Kids about Saving Money
How to Teach Your Kids about Saving Money
From virtual currencies to mobile payment apps, there are more ways than ever to pay for goods and services. The financial planning lessons you need to teach your kids are probably more complex than the ones your parents taught you.
4 Simple Steps to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
4 Simple Steps to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
There's a good chance you or someone you know is facing the reality of living paycheck to paycheck each month.
How Much Do You Really Make - Calculate the Value of Your Benefits
How Much Do You Really Make - Calculate the Value of Your Benefits
Feel like you don't know much about money? You’re not alone. According to a recent George Washington University study, 24% of millennials have just basic financial knowledge, and only 27% are seeking professional financial advice on saving and investment.

Latest in Insurance

When Should I Reevaluate My Life Insurance Coverage?
When Should I Reevaluate My Life Insurance Coverage?
If you purchased your life insurance policy some time ago, it’s likely you haven’t thought about it much since then. Maybe your life has changed in significant ways and you’re wondering whether it’s time to adjust your coverage. Here’s when it may be time to reevaluate your life insurance portfolio.
Accident insurance. What is it and why is it important?
Accident insurance. What is it and why is it important?
Accidents can happen when you least expect them. And while you can’t always prevent them, you can get help to make your recovery less expensive and stressful.
11 Did you Knows about Critical Illness Planning
11 Did you Knows about Critical Illness Planning
MetLife Critical Illness Protection is here to make sure that saving your life won’t cost your life savings. This solution will provide an instant lump sum of up to $500,000 when diagnosed with one of the 32 common critical illnesses, so that you can focus on getting back to health instead of worrying about any financial burdens. Critical Illness is available as a standalone solution or as an optional benefit on MetLife’s Life Protection and Savings solutions.

Latest in Business Insights

3 Ways Small Business Owners Can Help an Employee in Crisis
3 Ways Small Business Owners Can Help an Employee in Crisis
As a small business owner, you undoubtedly want to support your people through life’s stressful and often unexpected events — from deaths in the family to medical issues to sick children or tense divorces.
Paid Time Off: Use it Before You Lose It
Paid Time Off: Use it Before You Lose It
You might pass on taking your personal days for a lot of reasons, like being overwhelmed at work, or feeling like a vacation is financially out of reach. But you don’t need a cash windfall to reclaim your time off. Here are five creative and cost-effective ways to use your PTO.
Break These Bad Habits at Work
Break These Bad Habits at Work
Are your bad work habits sabotaging your career? Here’s what you can fix today to set yourself up for success at work.

Latest in Security

Check In On Your Fire Extinguisher
Check In On Your Fire Extinguisher
Is your home fire extinguisher buried in the back of a kitchen cupboard, or covered by a layer of dust on your workbench? If you are a homeowner or a renter, you don’t think about this important home safety tool very often. But to be functional when needed, your extinguisher needs some basic maintenance. This can be very useful to prevent personal accidents and injuries that can lead to accidents, disabilities or a loss of life.
10 Ways To Keep The Holidays Safe
10 Ways To Keep The Holidays Safe
Stay focused with our important tips that will take you safely throughout the year. It’s easy to get busy and distracted during the holidays. That’s why accidents, including fires, spike during this season, which can lead to an accident, disability of a loss of life. These important tips can help keep everyone safe.
Emergency Kit Essentials
Emergency Kit Essentials
Keep these items handy in your home in case of an extreme emergency. An emergency kit is a must-have household item. Whether or not you live in an area prone to natural disasters, such as earthquakes or weather storms, it’s smart to keep a kit well-stocked and close by, just in case.